CAI Live is a live window into the data story inside your community and a tool to manage, monitor, and share the impact of your programs with the people you serve.

Tap into multiple data sources, incorporate your own proprietary data, and choose tools and features to configure the product that meets your specific needs.
Dynamic Interface
Unlike traditional economic development analysis and reporting, CAI Live is a dynamic, updateable solution that can be refreshed at any time so you can monitor ongoing progress against your goals.

Configure CAI Live with the data that matters to you, then leverage its robust mapping functionality and data visualizations to manage your program and share its impact. Control the data you share among distinct users and logins
The CAI Live platform consists of a curated data library and suite of tools for data collection, exploration, analysis and mapping to support:

City of Tacoma
Equity Map
CAI partnered with the City of Tacoma to build an intuitive, visual tool to maximize usage of their Equity Index in informing policy decisions, and make it easier for non-analysts in government and the community to leverage the Index to further the City’s anti-racism efforts.
“CAI Live uses data to paint the picture very clearly and gives people the opportunity to make policy decisions and choices that are informed by that data. The tool makes the implicit explicit.”
– Jacques Colon, Strategic Manager, Tacoma 2025

Casey Family Programs
Opportunity Map
Community Attributes Inc. teamed up with Casey Family Programs to customize our mapping platform to develop the Community Opportunity Map, an interactive tool that highlights the aspects of communities that are associated with safe children and strong families. This interactive, research-based framework is composed of select U.S. Census Bureau indicators and is available for any community in the nation to use. It was informed by significant evidence of the community factors correlated with child maltreatment and a healthy community framework developed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The tool maps community indicators at geographic levels defined by the user, from the state level down to neighborhoods. Casey Family Programs’ goal for the tool is to be used by community members, policymakers, child welfare leaders, city government officials, and other stakeholders to build hope and promote well-being for families and children.

Employment lands
CAI developed an inventory of potential employment lands sites within Clark County, based on comprehensive analysis of site development readiness, capacity, and current use and ownership. Rather than a static report, this inventory is a dynamic CAI Live application with interactive, shareable site details, key demographic and economic indicators, and up-to-the-minute site notes from partners. CREDC and its economic development partners across the county, use this tool to respond to site selection RFIs and prioritize strategic investments in infrastructure to support regional economic development.