City of Boise, Idaho

Economic Development Strategic Plan

The City of Boise is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. While that growth has ushered in economic opportunities, it has also begun to threaten the quality of life that longtime Boise residents cherish. Housing is less affordable, roads are more congested, and the parks and trails on Boise’s doorstep are increasingly crowded or inaccessible. Regional infrastructure struggles to keep pace with the influx of new residents, and this constrains Boise’s ability to capitalize on the new economic opportunities. With this backdrop, Boise identified the need for a strategic plan that identifies how the City can spur sustainable, equitable growth with limited resources and in the face of complex regional challenges.

Boise selected Community Attributes to help develop this strategic plan. Together with City of Boise staff, CAI undertook a detailed landscape assessment and met with more than 120 stakeholders to identify strategic priorities, uncover underutilized assets, resolve challenges and constraints, and discover tactical interventions that the City and its partners can make. The City intends to finalize the strategy in the fall of 2021.

Boise’s strategy fits with CAI’s perspective on economic development—to grow your economy, you have to be a good place to live, take care of you have, and then go after what you want.