Employment Lands Inventory and Application
CREDC and its economic development partners across the county, use this tool to respond to site selection RFIs and prioritize strategic investments in infrastructure to support regional economic development.
For the Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC), CAI conducted a study of potential employment lands within Clark County. The analysis highlights vacant or potentially developable sites, or aggregations of parcels, large enough to support employment uses into the future. CAI’s work leveraged methodology developed in a 2016 analysis of employment sites to assess and grade the development readiness sites based on factors such as utility infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, brownfields, use restrictions and market readiness. The findings from this study are presented in a custom online tool built on CAI’s mapping platform CAI Live. CAI engaged with stakeholders convened from across the county, including every jurisdiction within the county as well as local real estate experts and leaders to leverage their expertise in assessing development readiness on a site-by-site basis.

The final product is a dynamic tool that CREDC, as the economic development organization in Clark County, can use to support countywide business location, expansion, and retention efforts. This analysis identified factors for development feasibility in a robust evaluation of employment land supply in Clark County. (2019)