Port of Seattle

Equity Index and Mapping Application

The Port of Seattle’s facilities, operations and mission significantly impact the regional economy. As part of their efforts to foster greater equity within the region, the Port of Seattle retained CAI to help them develop a set of indicators and public online equity mapping tool. 

The equity map spans King County and comprises 21 indicators in the categories of Economy, Livability, Accessibility and the Environment. Using a methodology developed by the Kirwan Institute for Race and Social Justice, the map compares the relative values of the indicators across the study area.  

Users can select a city or area on the map and see the relative value of the indicators and the Equity Index  and its components as well as how the indicator values are distributed across King County. 

The Port has used the Equity Index to inform $10 million in grantmaking through the South King County Fund.  As more departments, and stakeholders become aware of the map, the Port anticipates additional resources to be allocated to advance racial and social justice in King County. 

To see the published version of the Port of Seattle’s Equity Map