America Library Association Project Outcome
Multi-user Survey Management Application and Dashboard
Project Outcome allows every public and research library to quickly create and implement user surveys and analyze results quickly and easily.
Community Attributes Inc., initially built a custom data dashboard tool to create simple, effective reports for the existing survey platform. CAI took over the development of the survey tools in 2018, and has added international multi-language support and enhanced group and data management, benchmarking and survey tools, to support both Public Library Systems and Academic and College Research Library Systems around the world.
The dashboard and analysis tools include an automated report generator that allows library users to create polished PDF reports in seconds, analyzing both quantitative survey responses, and qualitative using our natural language processing tools. Users can customize reports with in an intuitive interface, using images, infographics, text and survey results.
To date, over 400,000 survey results have been collected from over 2,000 library systems, and more are added each day. Library systems can easily gather data and understand the results of their programs, and more effectively tell the story of the benefit they provide to their communities.
In addition to generating detailed infographic from the survey results, users can save the infographics for use in reports, as well as embed the dynamic infographics in an public-facing web page, as shown below.
Learn more about how CAI can help with evaluation and tracking