Puget Sound Regional Council

Industrial Lands Inventory and Report

The Puget Sound Regional Council contracted CAI to assess economic activity on industrial land in the central Puget Sound region, including analysis of industry forecasts and the region’s ability to accommodate economic growth on industrial lands, given changing patterns in manufacturing, urban development, and economic shifts. The report addresses:

  • Characterization of the current inventory of industrial lands
  • How the quantity and distribution of industrial lands has changed since 1998?
  • Where are key clusters of industries located? 
  • Relationships between industrial lands and employment in the region
  • What are the region’s unique assets that could help retain and expand current industrial activity and attract new industrial users? 
  • What is the overall contribution to the regional economy of our industrial lands?

As a part of this analysis, seventeen distinct industrial subareas were identified (shown at left) for more detailed analysis, based on contiguity and general character of each area. 

AI then developed profiles of each subarea using metrics including jobs, business revenue, and site specifics. The subareas were characterized as regional or countywide manufacturing and industrial centers. 

The Puget Sound region is projected to add almost 84,000 industrial jobs on industrial lands before 2040. This report provided clear and detailed analysis of industrial land supply and demand to help stakeholders and decisionmakers craft land use and economic development policies and city policies throughout the region.